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Homeless Assistance (McKinney-Vento)

Children experiencing homelessness face great challenges. High mobility, precarious living conditions, and poverty combine to present significant educational, health and emotional difficulties. Homeless children are truly among our nation's neediest and most at risk. The Illinois State Board of Education considers the school enrollment, attendance and success of homeless children and youth throughout Illinois as a high priority. The Regional Office of Education administers a sub-grant in order to provide school districts within La Salle County with funds to meet the educational needs of homeless students.

McKinney-Vento Children

If you think you might qualify for McKinney-Vento services, please contact your school McKinney-Vento liaison.

You also can contact your regional McKinney-Vento liaison for more information.

Contact Us

Grant/Funds Coordinator:
Sandy Blanco
Lead Regional Liaison & Transportation Coordinator:
Samantha Halm
ROE Ombudsperson:
Ryan Myers