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Educator and Student Awards

Excellence In Education Awards Banquet

Each May, the Regional Office of Education sponsors the Excellence in Education Awards Banquet. School faculty, staff, and board members present awards in five categories: Educator's, Support Staff, Retiring Educators, Retiring Support Staff, and Board Service. Award recipients are selected according to locally developed criteria. Each year roughly 175 awards are presented.

Educator of the Year Award

In conjunction with the Excellence in Education banquet, each year beginning in 1998, the Regional Office of Education has recognized one individual as the La Salle County Educator of the Year. The local nominating committees are required to submit on behalf of the nominee a brief biographical sketch, a list of contributions made to area schools and the local community, professional contributions to education, and statements from fellow teachers, administrators, students, or citizens of their community. A committee from the La Salle County Retired Teachers' Association selects the Teacher of the Year.

Student Excellence Award

Each month from September through May, the Regional Office of Education, in cooperation with the County Board, recognizes students from two schools chosen on a rotating basis, with the Student Excellence Award. Students are selected by the schools based on the following criteria: the selected student must have demonstrated and/or contributed community service in their respective school district; the selected student should portray an image of social and civic responsibility within their school community, and the selected student should possess an attitude conducive for a good work ethic and representative of an image the school district finds commendable. The student, parents, and administrators from the school are invited to the monthly county board meeting, where the student is presented with a plaque, and information about that student is read to all in attendance at the County Board meeting.

24-25 School Year

Previous Years